COL is the largest traditional event since the founding of the school and contributes to the beautification of the local environment. Nakano City is divided into sections, which students will clean in small groups. Teachers will quiz the students about various areas of the city, to help students to learn about their environment both historically and geographically. There is a limited time for the students to finish cleaning their area. In this time period, students can answer many questions about Nakano City. The faster students can clean and move on to another area, the more points their group can get. In addition, students will obtain more points based on the amount of garbage they can collect. The citizens of the city appreciate the high school students that help to make Nakano beautiful. Both teachers and Parent Teachers Association (PTA) members help the students clean.
ABMORI is an activity where students can practice the symbiosis of human society and nature. This involves planting trees and monitoring them. Participants are divided into teams of about 30 people. The students are taught how to plant seedlings. Students then learn how to monitor these trees by taking measurements of them.
School Festival:
The school festival occurs every July and includes a sports festival, a music festival and a public exhibition lasting four days. Two months before the festival, students participating in the sports and music will begin to prepare for the event. Students' goals are to do their best in order to obtain awards for their homeroom. The public exhibition includes various events and individual class exhibits. The students look forward to this event every year.
A 3.5 meter wood/paper sculpture of the school's symbol, the golden eagle (イヌワシ).
School Trip:
Every November, Nakano Nishi's second grade students go to Okinawa for their school trip. The main feature of the trip is a one-night homestay with local Okinawan residents. In this way, students can learn about Okinawan culture and traditions and experience local foods and music. As a landlocked prefecture, Nagano is not in contact with any larger bodies of water. So this school trip is also a good opportunity for students to interact with and enjoy the Ryukyu culture.
Sports Day:
Nakano Nishi has sports days in both spring and autumn. These sports days have an emphasis on competition between class years. This deepens interactions between students through sports. In the spring, the events are volleyball, table tennis, kick ball, and softball. In the autumn, the events are soccer, softball, badminton, and basketball. As sports day gets closer, students will practice a lot in order to get better. At the end of the day's events, each class will be ranked in order based on performance. Every year, students look forward to sports day.
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